Imagining Transmedia. MIT Press, 2024.
Climate Action Almanac. MIT Press and PubPub, 2024.
Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow. Unnamed Press, 2019.
Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds. MIT Press, May 2017.
What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing. MIT Press, March 2017.
Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future, edited by Ed Finn and Kathryn Cramer, William Morrow, September 2014.
Ventures, Visions, Escape Velocities, by Ed Finn and Joey Eschrich, December 2017
Non-Commercial Anthologies
Space Futures (NASA)
Ed Finn and Joey Eschrich, eds. Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures. Center for Science and the Imagination, December 2017.
Overview (Knowledge Enterprise Development, ASU)
Michael G. Bennett, Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn, eds. Overview: Stories in the Stratosphere. Center for Science and the Imagination, August 2017.
Tomorrow Project (Intel)
Ed Finn and G. Pascal Zachary, editors. Living Tomorrow. Intel Corporation, 2015.
Ed Finn and G. Pascal Zachary, editors. Journeys Through Time and Space. Intel Corporation, 2015.
Ed Finn and G. Pascal Zachary, editors. Dark Futures. Intel Corporation, 2014.
Ed Finn and G. Pascal Zachary, editors. The Future—Powered by Fiction. Intel Corporation, 2014.
Ed Finn, editor. “Green Dreams” section of Cautions, Dreams & Curiosities: A Tomorrow Project Anthology, 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
E. Finn. “Applied Poetics.” Poetics Today (2024) 45 (2): 251–258.
E. Finn, C. Torrejon Capurro, M. G. Bennett, and R. Wylie. “Applied Imagination.” Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 14, 2023.
P. Pataranutaporn, R. Liu, E. Finn and P. Maes. “Influencing Human-AI Interaction by Priming Beliefs about AI Can Increase Perceived Trustworthiness, Empathy and Effectiveness.” Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023.
P. Nagy, A. Mawasi, E. Finn, R. Wylie. “The Chimera, the Robot Artist, and the Cardboard Hand.” Science & Education, 2023.
E. Finn and S. Jayasuriya, “Cultural Myths and Narratives about Artificial Intelligence,” in Reporting on Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook for Journalism Educators, ed. M. Jaakkola. UNESCO, 2023: 37-48.
R. Ostman, P. Nagy, A. Mawasi, E. Finn, R. Wylie. “Exploring Responsible Research and Innovation in Museums Through Hands-on Activities.” Curator: The Museum Journal. November 2022.
A. Mawasi, P. Nagy, E. Finn, R. Wylie. “Narrative-Based Learning Activities for Science Ethics Education: An Affordance Perspective.” Journal of Science Education and Technology 31 (1): 16-26.
P. Nagy, A. Mawasi, K. Eustice., A Cook-Davis, E Finn, R. Wylie. “Increasing Learners’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Curiosity through a Frankenstein-Themed Transmedia Storytelling Experience.” British Journal of Educational Technology. 2022.
Andrew Dana Hudson, Ed Finn, and Ruth Wylie. “What Can Science Fiction Tell Us About the Future of Artificial Intelligence Policy?” AI and Society September 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-021-01273-2.
Ed Finn and Ruth Wylie. “Collaborative Imagination: A Methodological Approach.” Futures Vol. 132, September 2021.
Ed Finn. “Imagining Futures Together: On Science Fiction and Resilience.” Science Fiction Research Association Review. Vol. 51 (1), Winter 2021. (Invited essay.)
Mawasi, A., Nagy, P., Finn, E., & Wylie, R. “Using Frankenstein-themed science activities for science ethics education: An exploratory study.” Journal of Moral Education, 2021, 1-17.
Ed Finn. “Imagining Better Futures: Harnessing Stories to Contend with Risk.” Technology, Ecology, and Risk Assemblages no. 1, November 2020, pp. 9-17.
Peter Nagy, Joey Eschrich, and Ed Finn. “Time Hacking: How Technologies Mediate Time.” Information, Communication and Society 2020, pp. 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1758743.
Ed Finn. “The Black Box of the Present: Time in the Age of Algorithms.” Social Research, vol. 86, no. 2, 2019, pp. 557-579. (Invited article).
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, and Ed Finn. “Facing the Pariah of Science: The Frankenstein Myth as a Social and Ethical Reference for Scientists.” Science and Engineering Ethics 2019, 1-23.
Jonatan Lemos, Ed Finn. “Babel VR: Multimodal Virtual Reality Environment for Shelf Browsing and Book Discovery.” International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2019, pp. 30-38. (Poster).
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich, and Ed Finn. “The Enduring Influence of a Dangerous Narrative: How Scientists Can Mitigate the Frankenstein Myth.” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, vol. 15, no. 2, 2018, pp. 279-292.
Pat Pataranutaporn, Todd Ingalls, Ed Finn. “Biological HCI: Towards Integrative Interfaces between People, Computer, and Biological Materials.” Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3170427.3188662. (Conference abstract).
Erin Walker, Ruth Wylie, Andrea Danielescu, James P. Rodriguez III, and Ed Finn. “Balancing Student Needs and Learning Theory in a Social Interactive Postdigital Textbook.” End-User Considerations in Educational Technology Design, edited by Rod D. Roscoe, Scotty D. Craig, and Ian Douglas, IGI Global, 2018. (Invited chapter).
“Monster Mythos: Frankenstein as Network Text.” The Rightful Place of Science: Frankenstein. Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, October 2017
Michael Simeone, Advaith Gundavajhala Venkata Koundinya, Anandh Ravi Kumar and Ed Finn. “Towards a Poetics of Strangeness: Experiments in Classifying Language of Technological Novelty.” Journal of Cultural Analytics September 8, 2017.
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich, and Ed Finn. “Why Frankenstein is a Stigma Among Scientists.” Science and Engineering Ethics, 2017.
Megan K. Halpern, Jathan Sadowski, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn, David H. Guston. “Stitching Together Creativity and Responsibility: Interpreting Frankenstein Across Disciplines.” Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society Vol. 36, no. 1, 2016.
“Field Notes from the Future of Publishing,” electronic book review, October 5 2014.
“Revenge of the Nerd: Junot Díaz and the Networks of American Literary Imagination.” Digital Humanities Quarterly 7.1, Summer 2013.
“Becoming Yourself: David Foster Wallace and the Afterlife of Reception.” The Legacy of David Foster Wallace: Critical and Creative Assessments, eds. Lee Konstantinou and Samuel Cohen, University of Iowa Press, 2012.
Modified version of above has been published as:
“Becoming Yourself: The Afterlife of Reception.” Pamphlets of the Stanford Literary Lab #3. September 15, 2011.
“New Literary Cultures: Mapping the Digital Networks of Toni Morrison” From Codex to Hypertext: Reading at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, ed. Anouk Lang, University of Massachusetts Press, 2012.
Digital images from the chapter:
9.1 – 9.3 (Combined)
Selected Popular Media
- The Monster in the Room, Science, January 30, 2025
- Step Into the Free and Infinite Laboratory of the Mind, Issues in Science and Technology, Winter 2025
- “Envisioning Artificial Intelligence.” Science. January 11, 2024
- “Closing Out the Search Bar.” Slate. March 1, 2023
- “How We Practice Hope.” Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 2021.
- Celina Osuna, Ed Finn and Osvaldo E. Sala. “What Dune Should Teach Us about the Beauty of ‘Wastelands.’” Scientific American, October 21, 2021.
- “A Smarter Way to Think About Intelligent Machines.” New York Times. November 15, 2018.
- “Autonomous Vehicles and the Car Cult.” MIT Technology Review. June 26, 2018.
- “Frankenstein Has Become a True Monster.” (with David Guston). Wall Street Journal. December 29, 2017.
- “Art by Algorithm.” Aeon, September 27, 2017.
- “Can Coding the Brain Save or Destroy Us?” CNN Opinion. April 12, 2017.
- “Facebook Trending story: The Wizard of Oz algorithm.” CNN, May 14, 2016.
- “Algorithms Aren’t Like Spock.” Slate, February 26, 2016.
- “The Internet of Slow Things.” Slate, September 21, 2015.
- “The Inspiration Drought: Why Our Science Fiction Needs New Dreams.” Slate, September 16, 2014.
- “What if Computers Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?” Slate. March 4, 2014.
- “Thought Experiments: Dreaming Up a Center for Science and the Imagination.” Asimov’s Science Fiction. October-November 2013.
Curriculum Vita
- Complete life of publications are available on my CV